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Golden Age of Islam and the Abbasid Caliphate

The Golden Age of Islam is a period that spanned from the 7th to the 13th centuries and is associated with the establishment and rise of the Abbasid Caliphate. During this period, the Islamic world made great progress in the fields of science, culture, art, literature, philosophy and medicine. In this article, we will examine the beginning, characteristics and achievements of the Golden Age of Islam.

Establishment of the Abbasid Caliphate

The Abbasid Caliphate was founded by a dynasty descended from Abbas ibn Abdulmuttalib, uncle of the Prophet Muhammad. This dynasty took its name from this ancestor. The Abbasids came to power with the Abbasid Revolution, which overthrew the Umayyad Caliphate in 750. The origins and initial successes of the Abbasid Revolution took place in the east, in the Khorasan region, away from the Umayyad centres of power, Syria and Iraq.

The Abbasid Caliphate and their expansion map

The Abbasid Caliphate first established its government centre in the city of Kufa in Iraq. However, in 762, Caliph Al-Mansur founded the city of Baghdad, near Babylon, the ancient capital of Babylon, and the Persian city of Ctesiphon. Baghdad became the centre of science, culture and invention during the period known as the Golden Age of Islam.

Baghdad The Round City and Birthplace of The Golden Age
An Illustration of the Baghdad, at Abbasid Period
Apple HQ, which imitated Baghdad during a period

Science and Culture in Baghdad

After Baghdad was founded in 762, it attracted a large number of people, especially scholars, philosophers, doctors and other thinkers. These people came together in Baghdad and exchanged ideas, translated Greek texts into Arabic and made scientific discoveries. For this reason, this period is called the Golden Age of Islam.

The love of knowledge is clearly visible in Baghdad. The academic institution called the House of Wisdom (Bayt Al-Hikmah), established in Baghdad, functioned as both a library and a research centre. Scholars working at the House of Wisdom have translated many works from languages such as Greek, Syriac and Persian into Arabic. These works include the works of Ancient Greek philosophers and scientists such as Aristotle, Plato, Hippocrates, Galen and Pythagoras.

An Illustration of The Bayt Al-hikmah and The Scholars

Thanks to the translations made in the House of Wisdom, Arabic has become the language of science. Additionally, these translations inspired the Renaissance in Europe. Because scholars in Europe later rediscovered Ancient Greek thought by translating these translations into Latin.

At the House of Wisdom, not only translation was made. At the same time, new scientific studies have been conducted. For example, the famous mathematician Al-Khwarezmi (780-850), who lived in Baghdad, developed a new branch of mathematics called algebra. The word algebra comes from the work called Kitabu Al-Muhtasar fi Hisabi Al-Jabr wa Al-Muqabala, written by Al-Khwarezmi. Additionally, Al-Khwarizmi introduced Indo-Arabic numerals and zero. Al-Khwarizmi's name is the origin of the word Algorithm.

Al-Khwarezm, The Father of Algorithm

Another famous scientist living in Baghdad was the physician named Al-Razi (854-925). Al-Razi wrote many works in the field of medicine. The most important of these is a 20-volume medical encyclopedia called Al-Havi (Liber Continens). In this work, Al-Razi brought together his own experiences, the views of previous physicians such as Hippocrates and Galen, and Indian, Chinese and Greek medicine. Al-Razi was also the first physician to distinguish between smallpox and measles.


There were important names in astronomy such as Battani, who criticized Ptolemy's works and developed observation methods, Biruni, who developed the astrolabe, and Nasiruddin Tusi, who calculated the movements of the planets. In medicine, Zahrawi designed surgical instruments and developed surgical techniques. Ibnu Sina wrote his work called Kanun fi At-Tib, which is considered the authority of medicine. In chemistry, Jabir bin Khayyam defined chemical elements and conducted laboratory experiments. In physics, Khayyam worked on optics and explained the refraction of light. In philosophy, philosophers such as Farabi, Ibn Rushd and Ghazali tried to create a synthesis between Greek philosophy and Islamic thought. In literature, they wrote Firdausi Shahname, Nizami Khamsa, Sadi Bostan and Gülistan. In art, branches of art such as miniature, calligraphy, illumination and carpet weaving developed. In terms of architecture, structures such as mosques, madrasahs, caravanserais and palaces were built.

Islam Scholars and Bayt Al-Hikmah

Studies in the field of science and culture in Baghdad are not limited to these examples. Significant contributions were made in Baghdad in many fields such as astronomy, physics, chemistry, geography, history, literature and philosophy. These contributions had a great impact on the development of both the Islamic world and humanity.

The Fall of Baghdad and the Golden Age of Islam

The end of the Golden Age of Islam is generally accepted as 1258 when the Mongols occupied Baghdad and destroyed the Abbasid caliphate. The Mongols sacked the city, killed the Caliph, and massacred much of the city's population. The city was largely devastated. This siege also caused the destruction of a large part of the scientific and cultural heritage of the Islamic world. The books in the library of the House of Wisdom were thrown into the Tigris River, and the water of the river turned black with ink. This event is seen as the beginning of a period of decline in the Islamic world.

The Siege of Baghdad (1258)
Illustration of the Fall of Baghdad in 1258

The Golden Age of Islam is one of the brightest periods of Islamic civilization. During this period, the Islamic world made many contributions in the fields of science and culture and contributed to the progress of humanity. The end of this period was a great loss for both the Islamic world and humanity. Recognizing and remembering this period is important for the future of both the Islamic world and humanity.









